Academic Discipline

  • 홈 아이콘

Educational Objectives

Architecture today demands the training of architectural designers who can overcome the limitations inherent in traditional working methods, and adjust to new technologies and surroundings.

교육목표 사진 1
교육목표 사진 2

The Architectural Design Department trains future-oriented architectural designers who have the ability to cope with new work environments. Students gain in-depth training in planning and design computation as well as conceptual expertise in architectural patternlanguages and the composition of creative spaces.


Semester Division Course Title Credit Lecture
Major Architectural Digital Design Ⅰ 3 1 2
Drawing Ⅰ 4 0 4
Reading of Space 3 1 2
Architecture & Cinemetrics 3 1 2
Architecture Drawing 3 1 2
Subtotal 16 4 12
Major History of Space Design(Classic) 3 2 1
Architectural Project Ⅰ 4 0 4
Architectural Digital Design Ⅱ 3 1 2
Structure System Ⅰ 3 1 2
Drawing Ⅱ 3 0 3
Architectural Drawing Expression 3 1 2
Subtotal 19 5 14
Major Architectural Programming 3 2 1
History of Space Design(Modern) 3 2 1
Architectural Project Ⅱ 4 0 4
Design ComputationⅠ 3 1 2
Architectural Material 3 1 2
Structure System Ⅱ 3 1 2
Subtotal 19 7 12
Major Architectural Animation 3 1 2
History of Space Design(Contemporary) 3 2 1
Architectural Design Studio Ⅰ 4 0 4
Design Computation Ⅱ 3 1 2
Material and Color 3 1 2
Understanding of Landscape Design 3 1 2
Subtotal 19 6 13
Major Analysis of Architectural Space 3 1 2
Architectural Design Studio Ⅱ 4 0 4
Architectural Portfolio 3 0 3
Architectural VR 3 1 2
Design Computation Ⅲ 3 1 2
Study of Urbanity 3 2 1
Subtotal 19 5 14
Major Architectural Design Studio Ⅲ 4 0 4
Contemporary Architects 3 2 1
Architectural Survey 3 0 3
Architectural Business Presentation 3 0 3
Graduation Project 1 0 1
Subtotal 14 2 12
total 106 29 77
한영기 학과장님 사진

Khan, Young Key (Chair of Department)

Architectural Planning of the Department at Seoul National University (Ph.D.)
Architectural Plan of the Graduate School at Seoul National University (Master's Degree)
Urban design of the Graduate School of Environment at Seoul National University (Master's Degree)
Department of Architecture at Seoul National University of Technology (Bachelor's Degree)

한귀진 교수님 사진

Han, Gwy Jin

Architectural Planning of the Department at
Seoul National University (Ph.D.) Graduate School at Seoul National University (Master's Degree)
Department of Architecture at Seoul National University of Technology (Bachelor's Degree)
노드 Architectural office
이목 Architectural office

강우영 교수님 사진

Kang, Woo Young

Completed Ph.D. in Architectural Planning at Seoul National University
Architectural Plan of the Graduate School at Seoul National University (Master's Degree)
Department of Architecture at Seoul National University of Technology (Bachelor's Degree)

최아사  교수님 사진

Choi, Ar thur

Architectural Planning of the Department at Hongik University (Ph.D.)
Pratt InstituteGrad. Arch (M. Arch)
Building Plan of the Graduate School of Architecture at Hongik University(Master's Degree)
Department of Architecture at Hongik University of Technology (Bachelor's Degree)

어정연  교수님 사진

Uhr, Jeong Yeun

Urban Planning of the Department at Hanyang University (Ph.D.)
D.P.L.G., Ecole d’Architecture Paris-La villette (Master's Degree)
Department of Architecture at Hongik University of Technology (Bachelor's Degree)

정지연 교수님 사진

Jeong Ji Yeon

Department of history at Ajou University (Bachelor's Degree)
The University of Sydney, Graduate Diploma in TEFL
The University of Sydney, Master of Eduaction
TESOL M.A Degree
Jungchul academy Instructor
Head of the Education Department at the International Language Development Institute
English-Time Workbook Development