Academic Discipline

  • 홈 아이콘

Educational Objectives

The Visual Communication Design Department engages in producing messages with flexible concepts though a wide range of visual design principles and representation that aid in communication within society.

교육목표 사진 1
교육목표 사진 2

Its curriculum focuses on the needs of relevant business fields, offering creative typography and image layouts to expand the various applicable media. The goal is to train designers who are capable of social value creation, communication and collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving.


학과 특성화전략
Semester Division Course Title Credit Lecture
1-1 Major Two Dimensional Design 3 1 2
Computer Graphics 3 1 2
Basic Design 3 1 2
Digital Drawing 2 0 2
Foundation of Design Production 3 0 3
Typography I 3 1 2
Digital Programing 3 1 2
Subtotal 20 5 15
1-2 Major Digital Design 3 1 2
Visual Communication Research 3 1 2
Storytelling 3 1 2
Image Making 3 1 2
Lettering 3 1 2
Typography II 3 1 2
Subtotal 18 6 12
2-1 Major Planing for UI/UX 3 1 2
Interaction Design 3 1 2
Editorial Design 3 1 2
Visual Communication Workshop I 4 1 3
Cross-platform Typography 3 1 2
Type Design 3 1 2
Motion Graphics 3 0 3
Subtotal 22 6 16
2-2 Major Responsive Typography 3 1 2
Book Design 3 1 2
Web/App Design 3 1 2
Visual Communication Workshop II 4 1 3
Han-geul Design 3 1 2
3D Graphics 3 0 3
Subtotal 19 5 14
3-1 Major Visual Communication Studio I 4 1 3
Field Project I 4 1 3
Design Startup Business 2 1 1
Portfolio 3 0 3
Brand & Package 2 0 2
Subtotal 15 3 12
3-2 Major Visual Communication Studio II 4 1 3
Field Project II 4 1 3
Career Development for Designer 3 1 2
Graduation Project 1 0 1
Subtotal 12 3 9
Total 106 28 78
이용제 교수님 사진

Yong-Je Lee (Chair of Department)

Ph.D, HONGIK GRADUATE SCHOOL [Visual Communication]
MFA, HONGIK GRADUATE SCHOOL [Visual Communication]
BFA, HONGIK UNIVERSITY [Visual Communication]

최슬기 교수님 사진

sulki Choi

MFA, Yale University, School of Art, New Haven, US [Graphic Design]
BFA, Chung-ang University, School of Art [Visual Communication Design]

최희정 교수님 사진


PhD. Ewha Womans University, Graduate School [Visual Communication Design]
MFA. Ewha Womans University, Graduate School [Visual Communication Design]
BFA, BGD. Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, US [Graphic Design]
홍혜연 학과장님 사진

Hyeyeon Hong

Ph.D, Hong Ik University, Visual Design
MFA, Temple University, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, US, Visual Design
MA, Ehwa Women’s University, Applied Art

권은경 교수님 사진


PhD. Ewah Womans University, Graduate School [Computer Science & Engineering]
ME. Yonsei University, Graduate School [Computer Science & Engineering]
BS, Yonsei University [Computer Science]

박진현 교수님 사진

Jin Hyun Park

MFA, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, US [Media Design]
BFA, Art Center College of Design [Environmental Design]