Academic Discipline

  • 홈 아이콘

Educational Objectives

Fine Art Department, aims to develop students’ as the only 3-years-long Fine Arts curriculum in the country, aims to give students understanding and experience about various methods of artistic expression.

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This department emphasizes an active embracement of experimental tendencies of the technology and art-field and reinterpretation of the tradition of art media formalities through basic practice skills based on foundation plans. Also, it deepens the understanding of post-industrial cross-cultural trend sensibilities. In-depth studies at the Bachelor’s level programs are also available. They are designed to foster the development of promising young artists and specialists in South Korea’s creative culture industry.


Semester Division Course Title Credit Lecture
Major Basic Computer 3 1 2
Contemporary Art & Drawing 3 1 2
Visual Thinking & Object 3 1 2
Basic Photography 3 1 2
Subtotal 12 4 8
Major Media Experiment Ⅰ Technology Art Ⅰ 3 1 2
Document Ⅰ
Digital Modeling Ⅰ 3 1 2
Basic Printmaking 3 1 2
Drawing & Painting studio Ⅰ 3 1 2
Media Experiment Ⅱ Ceramic Workshop Ⅰ 3 1 2
Independent Study 3 1 2
History of Image 3 3 0
Subtotal 21 9 12
Major Media Experiment
Project Ⅰ
Technology Art Ⅱ 3 0 3
Document Ⅰ
Creative Studio Ⅰ 3 1 2
Drawing & Painting studio Ⅱ 3 1 2
Advanced Printmaking 3 1 2
Media Experiment
Project Ⅱ
Ceramic Workshop Ⅱ 3 0 3
Modeling&Start up
Public Art project Ⅰ 3 1 2
Contemporary Art Seminar Ⅰ 3 3 0
Subtotal 21 7 14
Major Technology Art Ⅲ 3 0 3
Creative Studio Ⅱ 3 1 2
Contemporary Drawing & Painting Ⅰ 3 1 2
Contemporary Printmaking 3 0 3
Contemporary Sculpture Ⅰ 3 0 3
Public Art project Ⅱ 3 1 2
Contemporary Art Seminar Ⅱ 3 3 0
Subtotal 21 6 15
Major Art &Communication Technology Art Project Ⅰ 3 1 2
Contemporary Sculpture Ⅱ
Independent Artist Project Ⅰ 3 1 2
Contemporary Drawing & Painting Ⅱ 3 1 2
Creating Narrative Ⅰ 3 3 0
Media-Convergence Art Ⅰ 3 1 2
Subtotal 15 7 8
Major Digital Imiging CMS 3 1 2
Business Start-up and Marketing on Photography Studio 3 1 2
Graduate Study 3 3 0
Study on Contemporary Visual Artist 3 1 2
Exhibition & Publication 3 1 2
Creative photography workshops 1 0 1
Subtotal 16 7 9
total 106 40 66
somi lee

somi lee (Chair of Department)

B.F.A. Sculpture, Seoul National University, Korea
Kunstakademie Duesseldorf, Germany
Meisterschuler by prof. Fritz Schwegler
2004: Visiting scholar in Department of Art at California State University LA
2015: Visiting scholar in Department of Landscape Architecture Design at Virginia Tech
1990~ Several Times Solo and Group Exhibitions
2008: BOOK 『The New Three-Dimensional Works』 , Misinsa, ISBN 978-89-408-0327-1

SOUG Youngki

SOUG Youngki

bachelor of philsophy, KOREA UNIVERSITY, seoul
bachelor of fine art, UNIVERSITE PARIS VIII, paris
master of fine art, CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK, new york

<19 solo exhibitions >
young exploring exhibition, national museum, 1994
city and image, seoul city museum, 1996
book made by artist, korean culture and arts foundation, 1999
print and information, seoul city museum, 2011



1986 BFA, Hong-lk University, Department of Painting, Seoul
1990 Kunstakademie Duesseldorf, Department of Sculpture, Germany
1991 Meisterschueler by Prof. Guenther Uecker
1992, 1997 Arbeitsstipendium by Autokrft, Kiel
Exchange Professor, Whitewater Wisconsin State University, USA

2008: The Robert A. Fiskum Art Gallery, Whitewater, USA
2004: Cergy Pontoise National Art School, Paris, France
2003: Garam Art Gallery, Seoul
2002: Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul
2012: Changwon International Sculpture Biennale, Changwon
2008: International Sculpture in Aglie 2008, Aglie, Italy Busan Biennale, International Sculpture Project 2008, Busan, Korea
2005:"Anyang Public Art Project", Anyang-shi
2004: "Declaration",100 Artists for Peace, National Museum of Contemporary Art

Seungcheol Hong

Seungcheol Hong

Department of Sculpture, Kaywon School of Art & Design
Master of Industrial Ceramics, Hongik University
Paju Heyri Cultural District Art Valley Art Committee
Artroad 77 Art Fair Steering Committee
Anyang City Arts Council member
Present) KUMA Curator
Member of Hugh-Belt Project, Ministry of Employment and Labor (Curator)
Participated in Daegu Art Fair and Gwangju Art Fair

고창선 교수님 사진

Koh, Changsun

Ph.D. in Image Engineering (Technology Art Major), Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science Chung-Ang University, Korea
MA in Sculpture, Chelsea College of Art & Design, UK
BA (Hons) in Sculpture, Glasgow School of Art, UK
Department of Sculpture, Kaywon School of Art & Design, Korea

Solo Exhibitions
12 exhibitions

Group Exhibitions
2024 9th Planet, Seoul Museum of Art, Nam-Seoul Art Museum
and many others (120 exhibitions both domestically and internationally

2021 Suwon Art Studio Blue Ground Creative Studio
2013 National Goyang Creation Studio
2009 Incheon Art Platform Pilot Program